Malcolm Holcombe Fundraiser (Travis Warren/Vincent Bernardy/Mike Campa) at Vine Street Music Nights

By Vine Street Music Nights (other events)

Thursday, October 24 2019 7:00 PM 10:00 PM PDT

*********Please Note Changes To This Event*********
Fans of Malcolm Holcombe, we are sad to say that because of unforeseen health issues Malcolm will not be touring California this year. He is in good shape, but spent eight days in the hospital before a successful surgery this past Friday. We wish him a speedy recovery and know he'll be up and running in no time soon and we're hoping to get him back to Vine Street Music Nights.

In light of these events Vine Street Music Nights will still be hosting an event on Thursday, October 24th and all proceeds will be going directly to Malcolm and his family to help them during these difficult times. We hope you'll come enjoy some music by a few of his friends who are donating their talents for this evening. We'll also be spinning Malcolm's discography throughout the evening so rest assured you'll still get to enjoy plenty of the greatness that is Malcolm Holcombe.

Joining us for this special night will be a good friend of Vine Street Music Nights, and fan and friend of Malcolm's Travis Warren. Travis has been playing music here on the Central Coast since the late 90s in such bands as 00-Metro, Rain Fur Rent Project, Texas Lights, and many more. He's also the lead singer of Blind Melon and we're honored that he will be taking the stage for all of you and for Malcolm.

Malcolm's very good friend Vincent Bernardy will also be playing his very unique, powerful and heartfelt songs for us this evening. Vincent has hosted Malcolm several times at his venues including SLO Tracks, and we thank him for playing for Malcolm and for introducing him to VSMN. Vince's good friend Noah Colton, no stranger himself to the music scene here on the Central Coast, will be accompanying Vincent during his show, and if we're lucky we'll even get a few solo tunes by him as well!

Your host, Mike Campa, will also be playing a few songs to start the evening and I wish to say first and foremost that my thoughts are with Malcolm and his family at this time and nothing would make me happier than getting to see him rocking back and forth on some rickety chair and belting out the kind of music than can only be forged in the fires of the heart. To you, Malcolm, we will dedicate this evening and hope our small efforts will help you during these difficult times.

Once again, we apologize to all that Malcolm will not be playing on Thursday, October 24th. Refunds will be made available for those who already bought tickets but who will not be attending. If you choose not to take a refund we assure you that all proceeds will be going directly to him and his family and your donations and generosity are much appreciated.

As always, events here at Vine Street Music Nights are BYOB/Potluck, so feel free to bring whatever you wish to drink and munch on, but don't worry if you come empty handed; we'll have plenty to go around. Doors open at 7pm, and early birds get the comfy seats. We'll see you at this rare Thursday night concert at VSMN in almost downtown Paso Robles on October 24th.